ABOUT The Founders
Dr. Vic Victor and Rev May Victor
Dr. Vic Victor and Rev May Victor
For over 28 years Dr. Vic and Rev. May Victor have shared a passion for helping couples and families to establish healthy marriages and happy homes. As founders of together Forever Inc, and Single For Now Ministries, the Victors oversea Twogether For Ever and other subsidiary companies that impacts millions of lives in over 15 countries. Through their robust online presence, the Victors teach and model skills that preserve and protect marriage as one of the best gifts from God.
Vic Victor, LLB, BL, MA, JD is the president and co-founder of The Institute For Marriage and Family Affairs (TIMFA). Victor is also the co-founder of Two-gether For Ever Inc.
May Victor, LLB, BL, MSN, PMHNP is the Co-Founder and Co-President of The Institute for Marriage and Family Affairs (TIMFA). Rev May is a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner with over 24 years of experience in the healthcare industry.
Pastor Dr. David Mosuwe is an Executive TIMFA Affiliate and a South African Regional TIMFA PRO. He is a South African born citizen, a husband to one outstanding wife and a father to 4 children.
Bridget Elesin, is a live interpretation coach/mentor, speaker, writer and a master practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming